Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today is a big day!

Today is the anniversary of one of the biggest life changes that ever happened to me. Four years ago today, I underwent the biggest personal transformation a woman can ever undergo. Four years ago today, I took on a new title, and a whole lot of responsibility, and shifted the focus of my life from me, to her....

And two years (minus three days) later, him (Everett)...

And him (Landon)....

Four years ago today, I became a mother, a mama, as I like to be called, and my life changed forever. I gave away my heart to my baby (and later, babies), and from that moment on I would be forever distracted by their wants and their needs, and their amazing beauty.

When reviewing the events of my life that led me to who I am right now, I could not overlook Avery's birth, and the following four years. Avery has changed me, undeniably, to the core. From being her mother I have learned the depth of my ability to care for someone so vulnerable, I have learned about my capacity to fret and worry over someone else's well being, I have learned what it means to self sacrifice for someone else's good, and what it means to truly give your heart away. Those are all positive changes, I wouldn't change them for the world.

Happy Birthday Avery! You changed my life when you made your arrival four years ago today, just before noon. You made it better, and have continued to enhance it each and every day. You keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, you make me think, you make me cry (good tears), you are absolutely fabulous.

In a few days time I'll be rambling on about the birth of Everett and Landon, and how it changed me, so I won't go on and on about that now. Needless to say, Avery introduced me to the role of motherhood, and my boys elaborated on those lessons and enhanced the sense of joy and accomplishment that motherhood has brought me.

I was happy before having children. Happily married, healthy, young and beautiful (I think so at least), but after having children, I feel like traits like, caring, dependable, nurturing, and devoted were added to the list of things I feel I am, and I'm proud of the mother I have become, and the children who made me this way!


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