Thursday, October 29, 2009

I fell off the wagon.....

Correction, I threw myself off the wagon! Then ran as fast as I could from said wagon.

I did what I always do, I got started with great intentions, and then something happened, something upset me, and I got side tracked, and since I ruined part of one day, I figured I might just as well "enjoy" the rest of the day, which spilled into the next day, and the next day, and before I knew it a week had passed and here I am, still at the starting line, but at least no further back ;)

Actually, I lost three pounds, so it wasn't a total bust!

But, lets get back to business here! I haven't totally lost my motivation, I just got a bit side tracked. The kids were sick, actually they still are sick, life got a bit hectic and I fell into my old habit of looking for food to comfort me. All it really did was nauseate me.

Aside from imagining how great I will feel when I've dropped 60 pounds from my frame, I've been examining other things that make me feel great about myself. Things that make me feel feminine and pretty and delicate, all the things that are very hard to feel when you're nearly 6 feet tall and overweight.

I've discovered the joys of make-up, and since starting to sell AVON, I've indulged in some products I've never formerly tried and had some fun playing around with my look. I like it! It's not nearly as intimidating or difficult as I thought it would be! I've also dabbled in body products, like scrubs and whipped body balms and I am in Heaven! I feel so soft and smooth, haha, even if I have to one to confirm this for you, trust me, my skin has never felt so great!

And perfumes! I love perfumes!

I'm on my way to become a very big girly girl, and I love it. I love this departure from the version of me I've been for the past few years. Run down. Tired. Lost. Apathetic. Confused. Indifferent. Beleaguered. Disenchanted. I don't want to be those things anymore. I know who I am and what I want to be. Whens someone is looking at me I want them to think things like; confidant, proud, pretty, feminine, interesting, energetic, lively, healthy, strong, vivacious, fun!

So, hopefully there'll be no more "falls" off the wagon, I want to get serious about this!


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